Trigeminal neuralgia pain attack

Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain attack: How does it appear and how is it relieved?

In this video-interview, the patient experiences a TN attack during the interview. The pain is so severe that she cannot even talk.

She then continues the interview after MVD surgery and feels so relieved immediately after that she says she felt like dancing and singing!

What are the symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia pain attack?

Generally the patient experiences shock like or electric-like pain along one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve. You can read more about it here. 

What is the cause of Trigeminal neuralgia pain?

The commonest cause is one or more blood vessels compressing on the Trigeminal nerve. Occasionally, tumours or other lesions like Multiple sclerosis can also be the cause.

How is a diagnosis of Trigeminal neuralgia made?

Usually, a diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical history. Click here to read more.

How is Trigeminal neuralgia treated?

Initially medicines are recommended and tried. But if they start producing intolerable side-0effects or become useless, MVD surgery is offered at the MVD centre, by Dr Jaydev Panchwagh. 

Dr Jaydev Panchwagh is a practicing neurosurgeon in Pune and the Founder-Director of the MVD centre, Pune.

Can I read testimonials by other patients who have undergone MVD surgery for treatment of Trigeminal neuralgia?

Yes, you can read them here.

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