Microlumbar Discectomy (Known as “MLD”)  is the gold standard technique in removing the slipped disc with minimal access. The procedure is described shorly here.

What is MLD?
Micro Lumbar Discectomy which is known by its short form as MLD is a minimally invasive procedure in which a high magnification and brilliant illumination of Neuromicroscope is used to precisely perform the surgery of discectomy for disc prolapse, popularly known as “slipped disc”


Is it a new technique?

It is not a very new technique. In fact it is considered gold standard.
The quality of any new technique is compared with MLD to ascertain its efficacy.
Though it is not a new procedure, with the advent of the modern technology and top quality Neuromicroscopes, the procedure has become extremely refined during the last few years.

How Is MLD performed?

The procedure with photographs of my recently operated case is given below.

A small incision of 2.5 cm is made in the midline of the back over the location of the disc prolapse.

The nerve root (black arrow) is seen severely compressed by a large disc fragment (green arrow) under the high illumination of neuromicroscope.

The disc fragment is resected.

The resected disc fragment

The nerve root is now totally compression free.

The incision is closed with just two sutures. patient is allowed to walk after four hours.

 What are the advantages of MLD over the conventional discectomy?

MLD has significant advantages

  • It is a minimum incision procedure.
  • The amount of spinal trauma is less than in conventional surgery
  • Due to the bright illumination and high magnification the safety is much higher in MLD.
  • The post operative discomfort is much less and ambulation is much faster.
  • Patients can be discharged faster from the hospital.

Which other minimum incision procedure do you perform regularly?

PELD or endoscopic lumbar discectomy is performed quite regularly at our center.
This is also called as Stitchless Spine Surgery.
You can read more about it in the relevant section
We choose the procedure to be performed on a particular patient based on many factors.
Our focus is not procedure-centric but it is on reducing the patient’s pain.