Introduction to Brain Surgery

Brain surgery is perhaps the most delicate of all the surgeries which are performed on the human body.
It treats the brain diseases by making small openings in the skull and treating the diseased area with modern neurosurgical techniques. In recent years, brain surgery has become remarkably safe and effective, thanks to the addition of various new technology.
The modern neurosurgical microscopes have made deeper brain structures easier to visualize under bright illumination and with multifold magnification. This has also reduced the amount of brain to be removed for approaching the important and deeper brain structures. Technological advances have evolved the field of keyhole brain surgery.
Computer-guided systems like neuro-navigation and stereotaxy have made the brain surgery extremely precise and less morbid. Intra-operative MRI and CT scans have made life easier for the neurosurgeons when they are operating on important brain structures.
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